It's not like I'm sitting around the computer for the last two hours going through old photos on my hard drive or anything.
It's also true that I did not have to go get some tissue to wipe the tears away.
Where has my life gone?!
I would like to take this moment to apologize for my little ones overall.....situation. I'm pretty sure Brains didn't care at the time but still. It's my duty.
Speaking of Brains, he's interested in growing his hair like "all the guys" do these days. I keep showing him this picture and have suggested the "bowl" option instead.
He walked away silently. Accept I could hear his eyes rolling after he turned around. I have GREAT hearing!
And it's a little known fact that Cracker had a thick head of dark brown hair as a little.
It's more commonly known that he was a fatso baby fatso!!
^^The last part of that sentence should be said with a low, raspy and intense voice.
I'll wait while you try it.
Now, doesn't that sound....delicious?
Another fact that I feel you should know is that I'm biting my knuckles so hard right now I just tasted blood.
Sentimental indeed.
It's almost like my computer hard drive was plotting against me today.
She (cuz we all know computers are girls) called up Father Time and said, "Let's mess with Memzy today. She could use a good flush of her tear ducts".
I cry, "Rude! No fair. And I had other stuff to do these past two hours that did not involve my reproductive system to lament and dispair!"
They didn't listen to me.
In fact, Father Time never returns my texts.
But then I am reminded of moments like temper tantrums...
Growing a watermelon inside your abdomen and then respectively.....uh....getting it out.
Nutrition concerns or lack thereof, which includes and is mostly accompanied by......mess.
Diaper doody.
^^pun toooootally intended.
Potty training
And then I think to myself...
Yup, I'm good.
I'm off to do some kid free errand running!!
Take THAT Father Time!!!!