When my back used to "slip out" once or twice a year and then I'd look like this?
All side ways and stuff is cute, ....for a minute. This time was so awesome cuz I was camping at the time. Good memories. Good stuff.
Do you remember when my BMFF (best mature friend forever) lived here in town? No of course you don't. Roxie wasn't known to this blogger world very long before she deserted me and moved to Le Boise. RIP "Bakersfield Roxie". RIP.
Do you remember when Cracker was exactly 100% obsessed with Zelda and dressed up as Link daily? No. You wouldn't remember that either. He was just itty bitty and I made him a Link costume that Halloween. During the ward party I officially became the most popular mom of the moment among the 12-18yr old boys demographic. That lasted approximately 1.3 hours. At least it's more than the usual "10 seconds".
What about when Aunt Visor ran that marathon in Vancouver? Wha?! I never told you that? She's was definitely the least sweaty and most stylish of all the runners. I'm pretty sure the race security team would let us back onto Victoria Island now. 83% sure anyway.
How about if you remember Beebs EVER being this wittle.
She's mean!! Why does she hurt me so!
Wait, do you gize remember when I thought I'd try surfing out as a hobby?
::insert hysterical laugh here::
And in other news, do you remember when Shed decided to participate in "Twin Day" at work? It's like high school all over again.
::shaking head::
Even funnier is that he works on a desert LAKE, right?
Most importantly do you remember when I used to blog about the day to day goings on in mine and my families life?
Me neither.