Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Chocolate Rain

*Got a new calling-No longer compassionate service leader. Now teaching Relief Society.
*Heeelarious song. If only I could sing like this someday.
*Whycome it can't be "fall"-ish around here? The weather just won't cooperate.
*Going out of town for Thanksgiving. Thurs-Sat. So, question: When do I put up my Christmas deco? Keep in mind I like to squeeze every last inch out of Christmastime as possible.
*Too many lunges+a class full of squats and dead lifts at the gym=Memzy can't sit on the toilet without yelping.
*Hoping to take a family pic over Thanksgiving for Christmas cards. Good luck with that I say.
*Now that pants are being worn on the regulah, how often would it be socially apporpriate to NOT have to shave my legs? I'm thinking, once a week for church. Hollah.
*Shed, being the very able MacGyver that he is, was able to fix our car issue. ::high fives, kissy faces Shed::


Shed said...

This Shed you speak of sounds like the most handsome person in the world.

...oopie poopie...

Pearl Girl said...

Hi memzy, I've been tempted to visit your blog for a while now. Hope its ok. Your cute family is so cool. Yep I am expecting a boy. I can join you in the 3 boys club now :)
have a happy Thanksgiving

Emily said...

mmm chocholate rain. That sounds yummy.

Andrew Waite said...

send shed over to our house to fix our car... please.

ManicMandee said...

Once a week is max for me in the Winter. Actually, usually the Summer too.

Memzy said...

^^this is what I need to hear people

Shed said...

GO LUCY! Now it's starting to happen people. Let's get more potty talk up in here.

I used to be a once a week guy also. Once I started joggin, I'm a daily dude.

Anna B said...

I want pics of your house after you decorate so I can copy your ideas. You are so good at that.

E said...

How'd you get such a whimsical nickname? Lucky. If I were you, I would put up those decorations yesterday, which is exactly what I did!

Have you noticed that most mom's in the 3-boy-club have a rare beauty about them?

molly said...

Iam not even going to disclose how often I shave my legs during the winter.It's good to hear good news from you guys!love you all.

Williams Family Dirt said...

I am with you on the shaving legs once a week thing, but every once in while, they bother me when I wear short jammies to bed. Ditto on the the weather. It is still close to 80 degrees here during the day, but in the 40's at night.

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