Friday, November 30, 2007

Reasons for my non-blogging.
1. Christmas cards.
2. Boys dentist appointments (no cavities thank you very much)
3. Christmas shopping
4. Christmas decorating
5. Christmas crafts and baking with the kiddos
6. Baby shower for a friend
7. Poo (more doctor appnts for Char)
Anyhoo, I've been slacking on ANY and ALL computer time. But most of the time has really been taken up by the Christmas stuff and I am having fun doing it. So, I'll be back on track soon enough. I'm just in a "zone" right now.



ManicMandee said...

Glad you are staying busy. Sounds like a nice normal, healthy family life. Keep us posted on the poop situation. I think it's interesting.

Anna B said...

I'm still waitng for some Christmas inspurasion. Pictures would be nice. And don't put us at the bottom of the Christmas card pile again.

Emily said...

Excuses, excuses, excuses!

E said...

Aren't you a multi-tasker like the rest of us? I've heard you're the master.

Alicia said...

Memzy (if that really is your name) - It's so cool to see that it is you who found my blog. A big welcome to the blogging world. It's such a good way to stay in touch with friends/family we don't see that often. Your family looks and sounds like your doing great. You have some good lookin kids! Keep in touch. - Alicia

Vegas Family said...

Christmas is so much fun! I love being busy with Christmas. Good luck getting it all accomplished.

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