Sunday, August 31, 2008

Yard Sale--Kid Style

My 7 and 4 year old asked (read: BEG) to have a yard sale every day for the past few months. My best efforts to educate them on proper yard sale time, or day of the week, or things to sell, didn't really sink in. So, come Saturday and the begging begins again I think to myself, "Let them do it Memz. Maybe then they'll figure out why it won't work to grab some stuff from their toy room and plop it in the yard expecting to make money."

They started with the signs, of course. Full crayola color. (The other side of this one says "closed" for when they need to take a lunch break, I think).

It IS really cheap too.

Some of their wares. I almost bought that Chuck E Cheese hat for myself. You know how I love that place.

Wow! Ooooh!

Pinocchio was 2 for 1.

They still can't figure out why they couldn't get rid of any of their stuff. Maybe that is good. A job in retail doesn't pay big anyway.


E said...

Happy meal toys? I have three of each, otherwise I'd be their first customer.

palacios5 said...

I think the yard sale is way cheaper than helping your kids set up a lemonade stand. We went into the "red" on that business. Then there was the time Austin and Britton tried to sell lasso's in the neighborhood. I'm sure you can imagine how many people were looking for a hand-made one.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Ugh. My kids keep begging to have a yard sale too. JBird once sat out with a card table and about 15 of his old beat up football cards and wondered why no one wanted to buy any for $1 each.

You're good to let them learn through experience!

Good thing Aunt Visor didn't stop by or else they probably would have had a false sense of success.

Memzy said...

Good thing! Aunt Visor woulda bought them out and they'd run off to the store to buy more crap. But that's what gramma's are for and stuff.

But lasso's.........hmmmmmmm.

ManicMandee said...

Oh that is hilarious! Haven't we all done that as kids?

Hot Pants said...

I sold carrots with your hubby once. We picked all the carrots in their parents garden, then wrote on the fence in permanent marker "baby carrots for sale". Only they weren't really baby carrots, they just weren't full grown yet. Uncle Greg was not too happy. And we didn't even make any money.

Carol said...

How come no one told me about this yard sale. I woulda been there in a jiff. Some of that stuff looked great. I probably would have paid $2 a piece for most items and that would have been a steel. :) And then we'd have gone to Smith's bakery for a well deserved cookie. Man--that's my idea of a good time.

Cristin said...

My kids are always asking to have a yard sale or to have a lemonade stand. I'm a mean mom and so no every time. Maybe I should say yes once in a while...I'll have to think about that.

Flem said...

I love the signage.

Anonymous said...

if you havent sold that prinses lea doll yet i might be intersted, what willit set you back?

Memzy said...

It's yours Charlie. All you have to do is give me an hour with your wife and some tweezers. ::wink giggle::

Br Boys said...

Hey Friday is great for lunch. Also Liesl and I are starting a breakfast club Weds. morning @ 9 if your interested.

Emily said...

That is so cute. My kids would have bought up all their crap!

Organized Chaos said...

You are good, I cannot even tell you how many times my kids have begged. I guess I should let them have a learning experience too.

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