Wednesday, October 08, 2008


New pics on Memzy'sPhotography. Feedback is good.
So Saturday was a huge fundraiser walk here in Bake-town put on by the local ALS chapter. (Did I get that right Aunt Visor?) There was a big crowd who came out for Team Parks Pals in honor of this dood: ^^How cute is he?
And here are the usual suspects/shenanigans to accompany the adults on said occasion.
From left to right: Br Boy #2 (Brady--BFF to Cracker), Cracker, Carlitos (as Papa calls him), Brains, Br Boy #1 (Britton--BFF to Brains), and cousin Owen.

Here is baby Clara, chillaxing in the baby backpack. How cute that her bowbow matches the shirts?

Here are some peeps that you may recognize during the opening ceremony. Char Char looks especially patient here, yes?

These two are a pair. Brains just came from his 7:45 AM soccer game. AM!!

Uncle Visor (or Papa) had the super special honor of cutting the ribbon to start the walk/race. He'd been working out training for this and he NAILED it.

Notice the awesome sign-age that my mom put together for us to show off with.
There were actually tons of peeps. We had 40 just in our group.
Even Girlfriend (Br Boys mom) came out to support onnacuzza she's RAD and stuff and hearts The Visor's.
After such a workout who doesn't need a little rest in the lawn chair with fishy crackers?
It was our first time doing this big walk and we realized some stuff. Next year we are bringing one of those big canopy tents and setting up shop with coolers and lunch and maybe even some couches and what not. We also thought of changing the name of our group (well, only I thought it really, but I'm sure my parents would consider them). Firstly, my dad's middle name is Rio and he's always hated it. So I thought we could be "Rio's Rowdy's". Or we could just really go for it and name ourselves "Go to He** ALS!"
We had a really fun time and loved participating. You rawk Papa!


Flem said...

Go Team Parks! This is actually a very touching post demonstrating what an amazing family you have. Aunt Visor really kills me with that poster and everything--I have loved her cuteness since the day I met her!

Haines 5 said...

Seriously, you guys are an inspiration! Thanks for sharing. :)

Elder Jack Anderson said...

How about "TEAM ALS BLOOOOOWS!" and your t-shirts can look all windy and stuff. I dunno, just brainstorming here.

Your dad is freakin' adorable. There's no getting around that.

Pearl Girl said...

That seems like such an awesome day you had :) BTW could you give me some advice???
Dear Just ask Memzy, how the heck can I keep from loosing my camera ever 5 seconds. and how can I know if the baby is poopy before I take a wiff and almost puke, andhow do I loose 30 lbs, and how do I get my kids to go to sleep before 10:00, and..... ok I'll save some for lata.

homegirl said...

I didn't know there was a walk/run! I'm so glad it turned out so well. You guys are awesome to support your dad, he's pretty cute too! :)

Hazel said...

So you all have to walk for ALS, and he just gets to sit and relax in that wheelchair?
With a group like that ALS doesn't stand a chance. So in your face ALS!

E said...

Go Park's Pals! He must be one cool dood to get all that support. I'm a huge fan and I've never even met him. And yer mom is so funny/cool. Hi Aunt Visor! (whycomehername aunt visor?)

I'm still gonna do my ASK Memzy post! But I found a scrumptious new book I'm hooked on. I will share it, once you finish THG. Hurry, MmK?

Emily said...

I just love your family! I think it's awesome that you did this together. Thanks for sharing and give your sweet Dad a hug from me k?

Carol said...

Hilarious pictures Em. Loved them!! And as for alternative names for our group. Why limit ourselves to just one name? Let's put 'em all on the new 10' banner we're making for next year.

Jenny esp: I've been named Aunt Visor as a mocking tribute to my stylish visors in the summer sun. I do not take offense, as Memzy and Landee's fashion judgement matters not to me. I am confident in who I am and visors seem to compliment my natural beauty.

And thanks to everyone else for the kind words. Check out my blog two days ago for my pix of the walk.

Markie23 said...

Who is Al, and why does his baby need to be defeated?

Anna B said...

I'm so glad you guys had such a good turn out. That's awesome! I like the new name idea. What is it that makes me like the "H" word sooooo much.

Anonymous said...

Who won the race?

The Graffs said...


colleen said...

Smiling and crying at the same time. I love your folks! (and yes I said folks... I live in KY now!)

ManicMandee said...

That is so sweet. But how sad that was to see your Dad in a wheelchair and so forth. :( :(

Carianne said...

Let me know next time and I'd love to walk it with you guys. :o)

Hey the twins need some pics done and I am so not as good as you, but really want some cute ones. Can you hook a sista up? If I wasn't still FAT I'd LOVE family pics too. Dang post prego belly!!!

The Everyday Housewife said...

Awesome post. I loved the pix and the info. I personally vote for your 2nd choice of name switching! Amazing family. You're great!!

Cristin said...

Your dad is so cute! I like Landees idea ALS does blow.

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