Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Vokslauf Mud Run (or: "Pain is Good")

This weekend my hubby and I ran in the local Mud Run put on by the United States Marine Corps. It is a 5K race with about 30 obstacles they put in your path to slow you down. Cute how their little slogan is "Pain is Good" because I can barely move my muscles enough to type this right now. It was actually a total BLAST and here is my group of friends from the gym that we teamed up with. It was FAR-EEEZING that morning and I almost chickened out (cuz there is a lot of mud and water and even crazy water truck guys that ride around the course trying to spray you--it happened to me). I can take the heat when doing stuff like this but cold really gets to me.
These pictures come courtesy of my friend, Christy, in the gray shirt here. She and her husband (black shirt) had a friend following the course taking snap shots. So, I'm not in most of them but at least you can see what I had to do. Here is a 1/4 miles mud trench. Sometimes is was ankle deep but most of the time it was up to my waist. ::screaming quad muscles::
Here I am, very attractively, getting over the very high poles. Don't I look graceful?
The rope mountain, as I call it. Shoulda worn gloves that day. My hands were raw.
Coming down from the poles.This rope thingy was over a huge water trench.

Then there were mud tubes. Deesgusting.
After the race. Notice me in the background obviously reliving the event with my friend.
And then you got to be hosed off by the fire department. The water was actually warm!

So, in a nutshell,............I loved it. Even tho I won't be able to sit on the toilet properly for about a week. You gize wanna come do it next year?


Hazel said...

Wow, they should call that the Indiana Jones race. That is an adventure. I would LOVE to do something like that.

Carol said...

EM--I totally belly laughed at the pictures and your last statement about the toilet. Still laughing. It looked like your kind of fun but so very, very painful. Congrats on doing it and finishing. Next year I have to come watch and bring the boys. Loved it!!

kristi said...

Looks so fun, but they should do it when it's a little warmer, especially since you're wet (or muddy wet) the whole time. A cold water/mud run in the summer . . . you might actually get cooled off!

Jones Jones said...

This is one race I've never been able to get excited about ! I hope the goody bags were GREAT !! You look hawt friend! ( and I mean that - this race is not for wimps!) Tell you what - I'm in when you get girlfriend in ( then again - she could actually drown in some of that waist deep mud !) I'll come take the pics next year !

Jonesy said...

sorry - I was logged in my huz's blog !

Flem said...

Whoa- impressive! You earned some serious she-woman props in my book. I can honestly say I will never do something like this out of sheer fear. Cold weather climbing ropes? Ouchies.

ManicMandee said...

Oh my gosh! I whine about cold weather when you were running in THIS! Awesome job. And no thanks. I don't think I will participate next year. But I'd love to come and cheer you on.

Br Boys said...

I'm trying to figure out why people would CHOOSE to do this????

Unknown said...
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Chellese said...

That seriously sounds like so much fun - in that crazy masochistic way. I have never seen a 5K like that before. Unforgettable, I'm sure.

Memzy said...

I always love she-woman props Queso. And Jonesey, if you could get Girlfriend out there I'm sure that pigs would fly or something. Kaie, why don't I sign you up for next year, eh? And MM, cold here is a little different than cold THERE.

Vegas Family said...

Wow! That sounds amazing.

You look fantastic also!

Mansius Family said...

That looks like so much fun. I have been hearing about this from a lot of people the today. It must have been a huge even with a lot of people. Maybe I will join in on the fun next year.

E said...

You are HARD CORE!!! I am totally impressed, and I would do that with you next year just to look as cool as you.

Guess what happened out of the blue last night? I "ran" a full 3 miles (see, I had only been running 1.5 miles and Wal*Mart walking 1.5 mile), and I wasn't out of breath too bad. So I might be ready for this sort of challenge.

Memzy said...

I'll consider you signed up then ESP! How awesome would that be?

Markie23 said...

Don't want to run, but that wet t-shirt contest at the end looks interesting.

Christa said...

All I can say is HOLY COW!! You guys are rock stars!!

Anna B said...

I totally want to do that someday. Not so sure about the cold though. At least it didn't snow like it did here on Sat.

Organized Chaos said...

You really are quite the woman!

Cristin said...

WOWZERS! You rock!!!! And nope, I will no being doing that with you next year. lol

Anonymous said...

um... i see you are deleting comments around here. is it safe to say this:
G.I. Jane.

homegirl said...

"Pain is Good" and I've got bruises to prove it! :)

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