Tuesday, March 24, 2009


Don't pretend I don't know stuff.  Accept it.  Embrace it.  Enjoy it.

Good Advice #1:  Don't buy your kids stupid toys.  I realize that is a fairly general statement.  But as I am preparing to move in the next few weeks I've done quite a bit of "purging" to closets, toy baskets, what have you.  And,.......have MERCY..........what was I thinking?  Let's jump back in time to our youth and take a peek at some of those toys of our generation.  The "My Buddy" doll.  An over sized doll designed for boys without friends.  Ironically, owning a My Buddy doll would ensure that such a boy remained friendless.  Or how about "GoBots", the uncool kids version of Transformers.  "Switchblade combs"?  For the hood in training.  What about Teddy Ruxpin?  The creepy animatronic stuffed bear.  Now, I won't tell you some of the toys I found in my house and am ashamed of.  But lets just say they rival some of these gems.  So think twice before you purchase a toy/gadget for you kids.  You don't want it to the be the "Sit 'N Spin" of their generation.

Good Advice #2:  Don't try to give advice when you are tired and grumpy and your compy has a cold (running slow).  It doesn't come off well.

Your turn!!!!  Give me your questions gize.  I can't wait to answer! (after a good night sleep and sending my computer to bed with some "nyquil" I'm totally ready)


Flem said...

Is it wrong to try to evict someone who doesn't pay rent? What if they don't have anywhere else to live?


The Everyday Housewife said...

I have a couple of big projects I've been putting off for years (photo albums, organizing kids' school papers, painting the baseboards, cleaning out the dreaded toy room). Is there anything, other than moving, that will motivate a person like myself to get started (and finish) one or more of the above listed nighmares?!

Emily said...

Thanks for the total LOL. How could I forget the My Buddy Doll?! Remember the annoying commercial where the little boy was shown in different scenarios with his doll and he had the plastered smile on his face? "My Buddy, My Buddy, wherever I go He goooes..."

Ok, here's my question: My toenails are FALLING OFF from the crazy running I've been doing. It's sandal season! What do I do?

eekareek said...

Your moving?? I want details.

Dear Ask Memzy,
I have had a cold for over a month now. I am ready for it to be done. How do I let the cold know it has over stayed it welcome without being rude or hurting it's feelings? I don't want it stalking me.
Sniffling in Idaho

Hot Pants said...

Dear Memzy,
I started taking this spin class, and now it killz to sit. But it is doing wonders for my thighs. Would a gel seat help? How long do I have to take the class before the croch bones won't hurt anymore?
Standing around waiting for your answer.

Carol said...

Dear Memzy, You're useless toys made me laugh. Do you remember Nick's "stretch Armstrong". He loved that thing. Here's my question:
When you've been sick and can't make it to the gym---do legs lifts in bed count as excersise?

Memzy said...

Flem--Natural consequences. They are only CLAIMING to have no where else to live. Let them figure it out.

Vanessa--This one is tricky. But, on your behalf, I've contacted Martha Stewart who will be doing a surprise visit to your house sometime next month. Oh, and your dreaded "tasks" will be on national TV. Does that help?

Emily--Falling OFF? Ewe. I was gonna suggest a nice pedicure but it seems foot transplants are in order. I can get you in touch with a great prosthetics guy if you wanna. Cuz I know that running isn't gonna stop. Once it starts...........there's no going back.

Eek/Sniffling--Details coming soon. All of them. And generally colds are not known to be stalkerish. Mostly they are the sulking kind of personalities. It's like when Edward had to pretend he didn't love Bella in New Moon so she would believe why he was leaving. Tell it straight. Even if you have to lie. The cold might be depressed but it will get over it.

HotPants/Standing around--Those spin classes can do a number on your hiney/"crotch" bones. It takes a while to get used to it and then it doesn't hurt anymore. Hang in there and your bum will build up its own "callouses" if you will.

Mom--I vaguely remember stretch armstrong, tho I've heard Nick talk about him a lot. Leg lifts ANYWHERE count. Even if you are sitting at the ice cream counter at Dewars waiting for your chocolate shake with almonds..........the leg lifts will count.

homegirl said...

Where are you moving to? Our side of town? :)

Hazel said...

Ewe...crotch callous's sounds so not worth nice thighs...

My question: So, I got this iphone, but I can't seem to get a turn on it. It started out with just my kids demanding a turn, getting my screen all sticky, and ignoring any phone calls/text messages that came through, but now my neighbors that come over every day to play ask for it the second they walk in the door (after they ask for a treat, that is) How do I let them know that moms don't have to share their toys without hurting their feelings?

Br Boys said...

Dear Memz,
Will my son ever be able to function normally in life without me?
signed, Natural consquences

StandsMom said...

Dear Memzy, We just completed day 2 of 14 for spring break. Why am I already dying for my kids to go back to school? Does that combined with a complete lack of tears from KiteRunner stand as witnesses that I am indeed heartless?

(Emily...you've probably heard this before...but are your running shoes 1/2 size bigger than what you normally wear? That would be better on your toes...or maybe you're running downhill a lot? :) )

E said...

"boys without friends"

Dear AskMemzy,
If I go weeks without blogging, will I be put on the "inactive" list and treated differently?

Memzy said...

Homegirl--Moving to Brimhall ward.

Katie--No one messes with my iphone. An elbow to the face or fist in the stomach should send a good message. With your kids just hide it......in your hand.

Br Boys/Natural Consequences--he will function fabulously, tho very uniquely on his own. That kid is HEELARIOUS.

StandsMom--Ouch. This one is two fold. Cuz you are definitely dead inside if you didn't ball for at least, like, 7 solid minutes after KiteRunner. Deaders in a ditch inside. Yet going crazy with your kids at home feels perfectly normal. Tricky girl.

Jespy--You already have some Blogsitting Teachers headed your way next week unless you get a post up pronto-like. Just making you aware.

ShelBailey said...

Jespy...I feel your pain, i think my last post is even older than yours. Dunno what the deal is...

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