Sunday, September 19, 2010

Life is like a box of chocolates

I always know what I'm gonna get (dark chocolate almonds from Trader Joe's fer super duh)

To force myself to do a new blog post instead of dwell on the general boringness of my life I decided to make a list of things I've done or do. In no particular order,...

1. Last week I did 6 loads of laundry.

2. Then I did 3 more.

3. Then I drank 6 cans of Diet DP.

4. In one day

5. Last weekend I went to soccer and football games.

6. "Our" teams always lose.

7. I really shouldn't let that bother me as much as I do.

8. Neither should the softness of my rear end.

9. But it does.

10. And then I go into the kitchen and eat a piece of pizza.

11. Cuz I don't cook much lately.

12. Is that so wrong?

13. I'm thinking of becoming a feminist just for this reason.

14. The older my kids get the more activities they sign up for.

15. This is in direct NONcorrelation to how much more free time I'm supposed to be having since "all of my kids are in school".

16. Which is why I had another soda

17. My knee is still giving me big problems. Despite my commitment to run in THIS race next month.

18. If you clicked that link up there you know how scary the numbers 200 in 24 with 12 are.

19. Which is really why I should stop eating this cookie I just got from the pantry.

20. The special running guy at the special running store assures me my special running arch supports are going to solve all of my problems.

21. I hope he put my mental lapses in that contract. In writing.

22. I was in the ER this week with, what I was sure, was going to be my end. Brain tumor. Hemorrhage. Aneurysm. Stroke. Any of those were on my list of possibilities. Considering I thought I was going to die from the pain in my head it would make sense my thoughts would go there.

23. Whispering hurt.

24. And light. And general sounds of any kind. And vomiting. Lotsa vomiting. And allasudden my vision was all......mushy.

25. Good news!! Cat scans are awesome. And they tell you that you are not going to die!!

26. Although I was secretly hoping while laying with an IV in my arm that the doctor would come in and tell me that I wasn't allowed to run in ANY races for at least ::counting on my fingers:: 40 days.

27. He didn't tell me that.

28. Turns out you can develop migraines at the very young age of 35. Also, turns out 1 in every 10 people react OPPOSITE when given migraine medication.

29. Guess who is the one in 10? ::raising hand::

30. I know none of you are surprised by this. AV and I certainly weren't.

31. Speaking of my mom, she tried not to laugh when the doctor told me that.

32. And then he gave me morphine.

33. And then I went home and had a soda.

34. And did another load of laundry.

35. The end.


Elder Jack Anderson said...

Um, this is the OPPOSITE of boringness!! ER visits! Diet Dr. Pepper! Mushy bums!

What the? And you texted me NONE of this because....

Congrats on the laundry tho. Feels good, doesn't it?

PS I get 1 migraine every other month or so. Once I had to leave church due to the nausea. At least that's my story & I'm sticking to it. I've heard they can be linked to dehydration due to too much intake of soda and not enough intake of water. I choose to ignore this "fact."

Carol said...

Landee is right--your life is not boring--just difficult from time to time. And for the record--I wanted to text Landee but decided against it so as not to seem too worried/dramatic/upset/scared. I maintained my calm, low key posture whilst worrying. And--drink more water--couldn't hurt.

Carol said...

P.S. You totally have my permission/encouragement to bow out of that satanic race next month. Your knee alone is reason/excuse enough. Add the migraine possibility and it's a slam dunk. I believe only crazy people do stuff like that.

ManicMandee said...

So basically your week sucked. There's a difference between boring and sucking. I'm sorry! Hope things get better soon!

Emily said...

Phew! So glad you don't have a tumor.

Markie23 said...

Hope you get better soon, because I would hate for you to have to miss out on "a 195 mile adventure-fest sure to fill all of your desires".

E said...

CAT Scans are not awesome cuz they cost $1,000 after insurance, even if nothing was detected anyway, and now I'm on my 5th week of Top Ramen to pay for it. At least that's what my kids are eating.

I'm glad you're not going to die of brain cancer, although I know migraine pain (like the commercial says) and it feels like brain cancer. I'm down to only 1 every-other-week now. I attribute this drop to the running thing you mentioned.

I'm mad at my knees.

The older my kids get, the busier I am. This is shocking to me. Nobody told me this when I "thought" I was a "busy mom" with elementary-aged kids and toddlers.

kristi said...

I didn't hear one mention of Panera in there. Maybe that's the cause of your headaches: withdrawal. Let me know when you're wanting to go "off the wagon!"

Katie said...

I am so sorry. Migraines are pure hell. Did the brain scan also reveal an exceptional capacity for wit & humor? Because if not, you have been seriously misdiagnosed.

Memzy said...

Landee--I didn't text you cuz you were on vacay and previous texts took approximately 2.6 days for you to respond back.

Mom--Though I drink a ridiculous amount of soda every day, I also require myself to drink a certain # of water glasses every day as well. Just FYI

MM--Sucky in some ways,...true. Thanks for the get well!


Markie--I feel the sarcasm and I agree.....I feel it....I feel it.

JennyESP--According to Shed "this is the year to get sick" onnacuzza our good fortune to change our premium vs copay with my insurance right before my back surgery. So mine was $50. I'm eating frozen pizza instead. Rich!! But that's an interesting concept. Pay if you find a tumor, free if you don't. I like it.

Kristi--You're a genius!! I'm thinking Panera THIS week, so as not to get another migraine so soon. You in?

Katie--misdiagnosed. Tho they did find a propensity for fart humor and running man skills. Go figure.

Janna said...

So sorry to hear about your week! What is in the water here? Migranes suck!

Shel said...

Sorry to hear that your head hurts. Happy to know you aren't dying, because we would miss you. Hope they can figure out what the deal is.

Ry's Sue has had migraines since she was a teenager. Lately she's been up to 2-3/week. Tough since she's in school for her Masters. They did a CAT scan...yay, she's not dying either. But, now they don't know what's causing them and gave her an anti-seizure medication with a three mile long side effect list. She opted to go for it anyone, as any of the effects were preferable to her head exploding. Haven't heard if it helped.

Hope they find something that helps for you!

eekareek said...

I am now feeling stressed about my laundry situation.

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