Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Knuckle Biter

You know how you see the triple fudge brownie cheesecake in the dessert display at the restaurant and it causes you physical pain?

It's kinda like that.

Or how about when you haven't had a soda forlikemyever because it's fast sunday and you finally take a big long sip.  (I know I have a problem, we've discussed this before)

It's sorta like that.

Or what about when you forgot that your Cooking With Clara model has growed up and not only that but she now has a 6 monf old baby brother with no neck.

Yeah, it's pretty much exactly like that.

I'd show you my bloody knuckles but I don't want to tarnish this post.


kristi said...

I LOVE little ones with no neck. They're the cutest, and necks are way overrated at that age, anyway.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Oh my gosh. Soooooo cute! Those blue eyes!! C'mon! Fab photos. Phab even.

SAS said...

Man her kids are so dang cute! Good job Photographerlady.

Cristin said...

I heart no necks. I wished to heaven that I could have had one ( I mean baby with no neck...not my no neck). Soooo cute! Why can't you be closer so that I could get cute pictures of my kids??? this stinks.

Carol said...

Every time I look at those pictures I laugh out loud because it makes me so happy. Such a great photo shoot Em. You ARE a professional and we are lucky to have you. The blue eyes!!!!!!

Carol said...

And the hat!!!! And the princess!!!

E said...

Yep, those ankle biters make me wanna bite my knuckles every time.

Emily said...

Beautiful kids and awesome photo skills!

Flem said...

These pics are fantastico, I am really impressed Emily. And the squishiness is too much! You just want to reach through the screen and give those cheeks a squeeze.

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