Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Don't Judge Me

My totally BFF Stephenie Meyer wrote some books, don't know if you've heard of them. And they made them into a MOVIE, you gize! So, I made two more BFF's while they shot the movie. Here are my peeps.

I need to be supportive. So, I am obviously going to be at the midnight showing tomorrow night of TWILIGHT THE MOVIE. Yes, I am a grown woman, ................with children, ..............and a mortgage, ..............and laundry, ................and a very UN-fictional life. Who may or may not be in love with a fictional vampire character. You got something to say to me about that? ::snicker:: So, in short, I should be embarrassed. Ashamed, even, of my behavior. But I'm not cuz then I wouldn't be posting it for all the world to see.

In other news, since I know there are some other readers out there who are crazy for books like me. You have to check out this Smart Remarks Book Club.

It is an online book review club and everyone/anyone is invited to join in on the fun. The current book for this next months selection is:

I've been waiting for it to come in the mail from Amazon for days and it finally arrived yesterday. I haven't put it down since, except to brush my teeth and change the TV station for my kids. And in honor of such a book I decided to make my own "Ugly" picture. Do you gize like it? (ps. my husband couldn't look me in the eyes during this photo session. He was creeped out. Mission accomplished!)
And it's true isn't it? Not all that glitters is hovery.


ManicMandee said...

Best sentence in this post: "...except to brush my teeth and change the TV station for my kids." So funny. I loved this post. I hope you enjoy the show! Anna and one of my BFF's are going to see it together for a pre-showing tomorrow night without me, while I babysitt BFF's kids. I'm not jealous though. (well kind of.)

Elder Jack Anderson said...


Btw, my laugh "found purchase" on this post. I personally like some asymmetry so I think you look gorge.

kristi said...

I know that reading while brushing teeth is a talent in your family, so I thought Cracker inherited it from you. I'm sure you can develop that talent soon enough.

homegirl said...

You are a crazy mess! :) Post about the movie but don't tell to much cuz I'm going on Saturday!

Flem said...

I am seeing it at 7 pm tomorrow night at a pre-screening suckas.

Hazel said...

Lovin' you is easy 'cause you're beautiful...aaaaaa.
I got a last minute invite to see that movie Friday. Don't spoil it for me. I have this feeling that Bella might die in the movie. So she can be replaced by me in the sequel.

Anonymous said...

Um Jenny and I will be seeing the showing just slightly before you but we will be sure to not call you and tell how incredibly super it was( I actually have never read the book and dont own a cape and if I had a choice I prefer tattoos and harleys over vampires) but we can be sure to dicuss on saturday night!! Cannot wait!

Case said...

Um, is it bad that I don't even have to change the channel for the kids cause they've watched tv for so long that even my 3 year old knows how to work the remote (she even knows how to record her shows). As for the ugly pic, your hair is better than mine on a good day.

Emily said...

Shoot, who is going to see it with me? I'm gonna be on a plane heading your way when everyone else is at the movies.

Memzy said...

MM- I sense no jealousy there. And brushing your teeth is important. I just need Cracker to train me in his ways a little more.

L- Asymmetry is the new pretty.

Kristi- I'm working on it.

Homegirl- A crazy mess eh? I'm gonna make that my new catch phrase.

Queso- Don't lie. Liar. ::running away in fit of jealous rage::

Katie- aaa-aa-aa-aa-aa-aaaa

Erin- Can't wait to discuss either. However, I will be seeing it in about 14 hours TODAY sooooo. I'd say "neener neener" but I dont' think you'll care much.

Case- No it is not bad. Not bad at all. I'll call you later so you can tell me how to accomplish such a thing.

Emily- Too bad they aren't showing it on the plane. ::frowny face::

Hot Pants said...

I just finished Pretties, and I don't know how I am going to accomplish that photo shoot. My eyes are too close and not big enough and my teeth are just regular with out any kind of airplane plastic reinforcement. I need my surgery!! I'm so UGLY!!!!!!!


Elder Jack Anderson said...

I am judging you, but only for stealing my "don't judge me" bit from Facebook.

I think my ugly nickname would have been Zits.

Haines 5 said...

Too bad you're not here in AZ, Em. You could go to the midnight showing with Steph and I. :)

Memzy said...

You can judge me Landee, but only for stealing JennyESP's "judge me" quote from a long time ago. She is the queen. I steal lots of stuff from her. ::gracious bow to Jenny::

Haines 5--BITE your tongue!

E said...

You look like cat vomit in that picture, and I mean that in the nicest way. Now, what is this movie you're talking about? Never heard of it.

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