Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Let us rise up and be thankful, for if we didn't learn a lot today, at least we learned a little, and if we didn't learn a little, at least we didn't get sick, and if we got sick, at least we didn't die; so, let us all be thankful. -- Hindu/Buddha Guy

I'm trying to embrace this quote you gize. Trying soooper hard. Cuz this is what I've needed for the last 3 days. Which leads me to this:

Good Advice #1: If you feel the slightest cold coming on rush straight to your garage (if you've listened to my past advice you would already have bought yourself an industrial size package of tissues) or superstore to stock EVERY ROOM in your house with kleenex. I'm very serious about this. Cuz when you having a raging case of fever-chills-achy-sneezing-coughing-restless-nose-faucet, you never know when you might need to grab for the 29,765,467,889,965,434,226th tissue before that snot hits your shirt,.......or the bed..........or the carpet. Muscle through the grossness with me here. I admit there is nothing glamorous about snot. But everybody has it sometimes. No avoiding it. And sometimes OTHER people can't even avoid your snot. Don't think I didn't see my husbands face when he arrived home to find our house littered with little white snot rags that me (and my other two children who inevitable got this cold) had used and deposited wherever our little hands would lay them. Poor guy. Lucky for me he likes me and stuff. The good-ish news is that I am on my way out of the cold. Now I only have two more kids to get through it. And I never ran out of kleenex.

Good Advice #2: Don't take it personally. When I say "it" I mean, of course, what your children might say innocently that is, in fact, a MAJOR insult. For example, I limp down the hallway the other morning at the peak of my cold and make my way to the couch. My oldest turns around to ask me a question. But before he can get the words out he recoils in horror and exclaims, "Wow mom are you OK? You have major bags under your eyes........all over actually." He was obviously concerned for me you gize. Or, not too long ago, my hubby and kids were dropping me off at the "Hair Guy" cuz our other car was in the shop. I mentioned that I needed to color my hair. My boys all responded shockingly that I wha? I calmly showed them my roots and how my loverly "HG" colors them for me since I had YOU babies and my hair got darker. Now on a regular basis my 4 year old reminds me, "Mom you need to go to the hair store today." Me: "Why is that Char?" Him: "Cuz your hair is getting all black up there" He really is just looking out for my fashion sense people. It's like my own little personal What Not To Wear.

It's your turn. And might I add the "Tune In Tuesday" gods were looking down on us. So lucky, your are, that I got better just in the nick of time.


Flem said...

Ew I would normally be grossed out by the kleenex comment but I am with you. It was driving me crazy last week too.

My question: What can I do to prevent my baby from getting sick on a two-layover cross-country trip tomorrow? What kind of portable kleenex situation should I look into in case she falls victim?

ManicMandee said...

Speaking of hair. I have a lot of grays. Is it time for me to start coloring mine? Or should I hold off longer since you are signed for life once you start?

The Everyday Housewife said...

I'm so sorry about the terrible cold. Have you ever tried to get in a hot shower, hold one nostril shut with your finger, and blow extra hard out your other nostril? Then switch! It cleans you out like no other. It also gives you a great reason to clean the shower really good after!! Ha! Ha! Hope you are feeling better!

Christa said...

Glad you are feeling a little better!
You gotta love kids! They are so brutally honest!

Hazel said...

I am so glad you are feeling better. It is so hard to sympathize when I am feeling so healthy. Speaking of healthy, a couple of weeks ago Violet told me that my belly was getting fat...uh, thanks?

Question: Is it okay for me to tell my kids to eat their healthy food, and then just eat french fries in front of them?.

Memzy said...

Flem: Slather your baby in antibacterial lotion and then wrap her in saran wrap (the pressNseal kind). Otherwise you might as well accept the inevitable. See portable kleenex situation above.

MM: I've never understood the signed on for life thing. If you wait too long then it is obvious. If you start younger then peeps will never really know right? At least that's what I told myself. Until my children told me otherwise.

Vanessa--I think you managed to outdo me on the gross-o-meter. Niiiiice. I'll try that next time.

Christa--I know right?

Katie--This is perfectly fine. My fave line is "I'm already done growing but your growing body needs all the right nutrients. So eat those carrots!" This while I'm scraping out the last of the hot fudge out of my bowl.

kristi said...

The next time (or even now) you have a cold let me know that you need some of my "magic juice." I will bring you an extra-tall glass and I guarantee you'll feel better. It won't make you tired and you can still drive. Get out and soak up some vitamin D if you can.

Anna B said...

I'm so sorry you aren't feeling. You better get better by Friday cause I am countin' on some big time Par-tay-ing going on. You know what I mean!

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Dear AskMemzy,

I'm heading to Vegas on Friday.

Not really a question. Just wanted to announce it.

Here's my real question....

Vegas!! Friday!!!

Love you & your advice as ujshe.

Memzy said...

Kristi--You've gotten my attention with this "cocktail" of sorts. I need more info.

Annie--If by Par-tay you mean an interpretive dance, then no......I'm not ready yet.

Landee--Oh no you di'int.

E said...

Dear askmemzy,
Can't you catch a cold via texting? Via quordy? And where can I get one of those toilet paper holder hat thingers?

E said...

Dear askmemzy,
Can't you catch a cold via texting? Via quordy? And where can I get one of those toilet paper holder hat thingers?

E said...

^^^I did that on purpose. I wanted to get two answers.

Memzy said...

SnotFace-- Shut. Up.

I think we need to alert the CDC cuz there appears to be new ways of transmitting disease. I handmade that tp dispenser. I could mail you one but I don't know if it'd get to you in time.

Carol said...

I'm convinced that brutal, insane, military exercise class I saw you in last Friday brought on this catastrophe---and then it just spilled over to the family. I was on the treadmill people just minding my own business--looked over at that class and thought, "What the heck are they doing? Someone is going to die in there". Memz said one of the guys almost threw up. You people pay money for this? There's just something wrong about that. And Lulu--I told my trainer (you get two free training sessions when you sign up) that you said he worked for ME. He just looked at me and shook his head. "You work for ME maam". And then proceeded to introduce me to core exercises, up-and-downs and 6 machines that will have me buff in no time. I'm doing everything he said--except the up-and-downs. Not gonna--don't wanna--can't make me.

Dear Ask Memzy, If "lose it" doesn't specifically tell you how many calories are in Jaimoca Almond Fudge does that mean it's OK to have it a couple times a week?

Memzy said...

Mom--I'll take that up with the instructor at the gym pronto. I'm sure she'll sympathize. And to answer your question....."Lose it" is the wealth of all health knowledge. So if it's not on there it's like it doesn't exist, basically.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Dear AskMemzy,

For realzies this time... what if you have this aunt, ya know? And she references the subject of your post that day on ANOTHER person's blog but didn't leave a comment on your own blog? I mean, what is that? She also talks to you on this other blog as well as if your own blog doesn't even exist. Does this mean she is mad at you? I need to know.


PS Vegas. This. Friday.
PSS AuntVisor, you must have not used the right tone. It's all about tone with these personal trainer thugs.
PSSS Lose It! says Haagen Daz mocha almond fudge ice cream is 340 calories for 1/2 cup. There is your comparison. It exists and it counts. Feel free to delete the app if you don't wanna be bossed around.

Emily said...

I've got nothin'. Just wanted to tell you that you best be getting better quick!

Vegas Family said...

That hat would of been handy when I had me cold last week.

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