Wednesday, July 08, 2009

This one's for you

So, I have this cousin,....let's call him J-train. He's my bestest boy cousin EVAH. And he also hearts the life out of me. Isn't that right J-train? See J-train is what we like to call a "blog lurker". He reads but never comments. I, personally, enjoy the lurkers in my life. Shout out to all you peeps that look on the sly!!! So, having recently talked to J-train on the phone, I discovered that my lack of blogging and pictures is not going unnoticed by him. In fact, I had a specific request for a new post.................with pictures. So, since my summer has left me without any sort of solid routine or means of my brain working in its proper function, I will just have to leave you with a few updated pics of the hooligans. I took these for Shed for father's day to put in his new office. So, this one's for you J-train. ENJOY!

PS. I loved talking to you on the phone last night.


ManicMandee said...

You have way too many awesome photos of your kids. I wish you were around my area more so I could mooch off of your talented photography skills.

Merrimom said...

I have to confess, I've been lurking for an awful long time and I never comment. I figured this post made it a good time to let you know who it was in Phoenix Arizona that was lurking. I really enjoy your blog!
Merri (James) Degiuli

Memzy said...

Lurkers RULE!! Good to see you. Lurk anytime!

Anonymous said...

I too, am a lurker...
keep up the good blogging so we can continue to LURK...STALK!
Becky Oakley Supertino

Jennifer said...

Okay, so I lurk too! It is fun to see what you and "Shed" are up too. I even lurk on "Home Girls" blog. Glad to see you are doing well. Come lurk my way any time!
Jennifer "Thompson" Davis

Markie23 said...

I noticed your un-blogginess lately too. Glad to see an update!

Mary said...

Great pictures! Is it your skill or your subject matter that makes them so good? ..maybe both!?

E said...

I'm a lurker who makes comments.

Hmmmm, I need some new professional-type candid shots of my kids. I'm thinking "beachy" theme...

Flem said...

I am not a lurker. But I hear that if you dedicate a post to them they come out of the woodwork.

These, like many others seen here before, are fantastic.

Brains looks like a model. Don't tell him, though, he might get all full of hisself.

Krissy said...

It is hard to get into the swing of things in the summer...I missed the entire month of June without even noticing. Glad you are back on track!

Adorable pictures and kiddos as always!

colleen said...

Another lurker admitting her lurkiness... love the pix.

Lurkster said...

*comes out of the woodwork*

eekareek said...

I have been stalking, uhhhh, I mean "lurking" you for awhile now.

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