Wednesday, August 12, 2009

the big 40th--part one

This past week was a BIG one in the Visor family. My mom and dad, know as Aunt and Uncle Visor, were celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary. And in preparation for that the whole fam-dam descended upon our humble B-town for fun and festivities. My MIL let us use their pool one day to keep the natives from getting too restless.
You know, there's nothing like family to put things in perspective. Like, how similar and yet VERY different all of the five year olds are. Just like me and my own sibs.
Like, how your siblings think this little hooligan is so hysterical,....even when he's being naughty. It helps to have that perspective every so often. Then you can giggle along with them in stead of inflicting some sort of pain or punishment. I have an honorary doctorate in yelling/scolding my kids from my experience last week.

Does anyone need to be set straight on anything? Anyone need a good scolding? I'm available for hire.

Another thing that comes into perspective with family is how old you are. This is my niece. The one Shed and I babysat in Provo when we were first married for 3 days while my bro and his wife went camping and who we fed straight cherry kool-aid in her bottle and so "yes she was soooo quiet in church why do you ask?"

She is now a smokin 12 year old with the intelligence and maturity of a 25 year old.

Then your get the perspective that maybe the almost-11 year old you have isn't unusual in his "i am older and cooler now" attitude. ::wiping forehead::
Or you realize just how much your little baby boy looked like you at that age (minus the curls according to everyone else).

And then you remember how hilarious almost-kindergartners can be when put all together.

As they orchestrate a game of "shark" in the pool using colors as a call out. I think Char Char chose the color "Darth Vader" this round. Poor Rachel, the shark, just couldn't get it right.

Then you gain the perspective that other little boys might just be cuter than your own littlest. Mr Ricky is my fave 2 yr old boy on the planet.

Then you realize, through such perspective, that it has been 4 months since you've taken any pictures of this baby girl.

And then you realize that you want to adopt a certain boy named Seth.

Gratuitous shot of baby thighs. Why is it that they don't look as cute on me as they do on her?

And the best perspective of all? Especially for you people.
This is where Aunt Visor gets her name.

I don't think I could be more clear.

It's all about the perspective.
I'm in a state of blissfull exhaustion. after such a week. And I'm slowly coming out of my blogging coma. But there will be more coming soon.


Carol said...

Your 'part one' post was perfect. Loved all the pool shots and yes. . .I'm still experiencing withdrawals from the out of town kids. Still basking in the glow of the event, watching the slide show and shedding a grateful tear.

Carol said...

BTW--the visor look is awesome. Always has been, always will be. Period.

Mary said...

Looks like great fun and brings back some fond memories of our 40th celebration 2 years ago this month!

ManicMandee said...

Happy anniversary to your awesome parents!

And I remember that time you guys were first married and living in Provo. You so kindly hosted me for a while and also introduced me to cool aid. I still have fond memories of that and think of that time whenever I drink cool aid.

Emily said...

Good stuff! Those Park genes sure make for some good lookin' kids!

eekareek said...

Hanging out at the pool at Liz's brings back fond memories for me.

E said...

I am so thrilled to finally see AV in a V. More perspective-type pictures to come, I hope?

gelly said...

Love it! Literally laughed out LOUD with the explanation of Aunt Visor's name. I'd never made the connection. I think your family wins the most adorable posterity category.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Well yeah, the visor is perfect. It shades the face while still allowing "height" in the hairdid. I love visors. Mine just happen to go all the way around the head rather than those snap on kind that AV is so fond of.

Yay for cousins!! Kevin's boys are already more muscly than Gty ever has been/ever will be. Fact.

And you just named someone else's kid as cuter than your own? SHAME ON YOU!!

Krissy said...

Beautiful family, loverly pics! Can't wait to see more of the fun that was had!

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