Wednesday, September 16, 2009

It hurts! Make it stop!

Motherhood has it's share of hardships. Beginning with the aches and pains of pregnancy. Sleepless nights. Don't even get me started on child birth and NON-working epidurals. Then, more often than not, the pains become emotional. Worry for the sickness and sniffles that your children endure. Are they happy and growing and thriving? Do they have friends at school? Are they growing up to hopefully one day be thriving and productive adults?

But I have never prepared myself for this. Many months of headaches brought us to realize, through the wonderful technology of modern day medicine (or just a standard eye screening at the Dr's office where an "A" was read aloud as an "O") that somebody might need a little help in the optical/visual department.

This is where the physical pain comes in for me. Nevermind that he hadn't had a "well-kid" checkup in two years. That didn't cause me the heartache (Tho I could be reasonably embarrassed by that fact. But why should I? Instead we should be celebrating his health and general UN-need for a Dr visit!). And not because he had been complaining of headaches for months. But because of this:

The cuteness pains me.

Nevermind he looks e.x.a.c.t.l.y. like his daddy who wears glasses. (pics to come later of Pete & Repeat)

How can I endure this daily pain of adorableness?


Cristin said...

Little-big boys with glasses are the cutest. I feel your pain Memzy...I feel your pain.

Emily said...

I was gonna say the same thing about looking like his dad. How will you tell them apart now?

SOOPER cute!

Shed said...

You're right. He looks exactly like me, VERY handsome, great looks, big muscles. Lucky boy...and mom.

amanda said...

Well I felt the same way about Jonah when he got glasses at age 3. But then they lose them, break them, and you find yourself spending countless hours searching for glasses or at the optometrist. Not to mention the cost! And I was lucky enough to get 3 kids in glasses.

Sorry to rain on your parade, but this has been a hearteache for me for years. I thought I better give you a heads up.

He is cute though. Hopefully he's better than my kids have been with them.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

Adorable! And is it just me or did his IQ just go up 20hundred points? I've heard stories such as Amanda's from my friends with kids in glasses. Do you have a couple backup pairs?

PS There's something about Shed's profile pic that reminds me of this guy I know whose Dad has "RYANSPOP" on his license plate even tho he has, like 3 other kids. Yeah.

Carol said...

What a handsome-head. He looks so darling in those glasses. I'm pretty sure you're going to have to carry a big stick to fight off all the girls. He's a keeper.

Merrimom said...

So cute!

E said...

I surrender! Please, stop assaulting me cuteness.

Cord has come home from school with a letter, every year since third grade, telling me that he did not pass their unofficial vision test, and I need to take him to the eye doctor asap. Four years later, I still haven't. As a glasses wearer, I guess I'm in denial about my kid having to deal with glasses. I just want to squeeze a few more years out of him, cuz what he doesn't know won't hurt him. After all, I didn't know I was legally blind until I turned 15.

Hot Pants said...

This is unbearable! ::heading out to the dollar store to get a few pairs of those magnified reading glasses and making Howie wear them::

Anna B said...

Yes he does even look more like Shed & Yes he is so cute it hurts.

I too had this same personal revolation about my own eyes...except I won't look as cute in my new specks.

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