Wednesday, April 06, 2011

My mom is MEAN

She sent me this on an email yesterday.

Now I'm in the fetal and can't get out of bed. Thanks a LOT, AV.


Anonymous said...

uuhhh, I go where she goes cause I'm 4 and a half...
he says so official...

I LOVE little kid videos. So Random. And, I love Random.

Carol said...

It's so classic Charlie and Liesl. I could watch it a million times--and wish they wouldn't grow up so fast. I got lots more where that came from but will give you time to heal before inflicting more pain.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

The birthplace of zombies & ponies/unicorns makes for a mess, doesn't it? Hilarious.

Flem said...

Oh my gosh!! Those two are so creative! Every answer was hilarious, I can't wait to show my kids they are going to love it.

There are bats and wasps, but no bees cuz they sting.

Emily said...

That was so stinkin' cute!!!!

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