Friday, September 12, 2008


I've been messing around with some texture overlays to my pics and I can't decide if I like them or not. I don't know if I like them looking "artsy" or if it takes away from the original shot. Your input would help.
Boy--likes all things "creepy", worships his older brothers and their video gaming, is always interested in who is the bad guy and who is defeated, loves anything having to do with Halloween, scary, grodie insects or bugs, prefers being in his "skivvies", etc.
Should I be concerned?

Nah, he's way too cute, right?


homegirl said...

I definitly like the look. I think it looks really cool.

Pearl Girl said...

love love love those pictures.

char char too. Actually he is so much like Westin its funny. And I think Westin is turning out ok. He is in kinder now, and does not feel any need to take any weaponry with him to school, so I think over the last year he has made big progress. :)

Vegas Family said...

He's got the looks and the confidence to go with it so I wouldn't worry much.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

I have similar photos of TBone... be very concerned.

Where did you get those "overlays?" I think they look awesome with those railroad pics.

Jonesy said...

ONE:I like the overlays - of course they were great shots to begin with but they add interest and don't take away from the subject of the pictures.
TWO: You'd also be worried if all he wanted to do was dress barbies and decorate his room. Right ? I think you're fine. Especially as long as the weapons are made of foam and he at least wants to wear the undies !

Memzy said...

Landers, I got the overlays from flickr. There are peeps on there that put out on the net for free and you can just download them. I got that info from my good friend "organized chaos".

And we already know that Tbone and Char are of the same "fold", right? ::sigh::

And you are right Joneses, I would be worried if it were Barbies and tutu's so thanks.

Memzy said...

Oopsie! "put out on the net"^^.

I meant, of course, put the overlays out on the net.

kristi said...

We're always glad when Mr. I will wear underwear (Super Naked IS king at our house right now)! So, as long as he's got himself partially covered and is interested in the guys (good or bad), I'm thinking you're in the clear. We do get a little concerned when Mr. I wants to dress the girls' barbies, but it usually only lasts until his dad's face changes colors - I think he LIKES that part best :) The parents' reaction is always half the fun, right?

E said...

The second picture is way cool. I like. My boys always do the no pants "Lord of the Flies" thing. If they start sacrificing pigs and smearing the blood on their faces, then I'll start worrying.

Hot Pants said...

My oldest is almost 12, and I am CONSTANTLY telling him to put some pants on. Howie is always in his undies too, only problem is that they aren't always HIS undies.
I loved the second picture too. I can't wait for you to get here to do ours. What time am I picking you up again?

laura said...

Those pictures are incredible. I really want to be your sidekick someday. I LOVE the second one, the shot from behind. Very artsy- like a card or book cover.
I scrolled down to see the first one without the overlay, and I prefer that. With the overlay, I'm focused on the shadowing of the sky, around the sign. Without the overlay, I am drawn immediately to they boys faces.

Carol said...

I agree. I like the second one better with the overlay and I like the first one either way. You're a great photog/arteest. And the pictures of Char are classic. It's him to a T. Nothing to worry about. He's as normal as any 4 year old. We sure had a fun date with him today.

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