So, Char Char is in lurve with his big "brudders". Any attention they give him is worth a brazillion dollars. And before school this morning all the boys were catching a quick game of Lego Star Wars before our usual morning routine. After the biggers left Char decided to carry onward on his quest to "beat the yevel". I was laying on the carpet in front of him and lollerzing hysterically. So obviously I had to run grab my camera to document. Cuz, post.....doyee.
K, so here's the deal. If you wanna "beat the yevel" in Lego Star Wars you have to do this...
The faces are essential. Any professional gamer can attest to that. The controller barely even works when your tongue isn't sticking out!
PS Love the old man jammies.
Yevel. I yuv how char talks. Picture number four is when he was trying to get his guy to jump up onto that tiny ledge, right? And don't worry about making beds on our account. I'm gonna jump in bed for my afternoon nap right when we get there anyway.
Make sure Jenny gets the comforter with the Silly Putty on it.
And the tongue thing is how Dwight plays his Base.
He sounds just like Nixon. As soon as the kids are off to school he says can I play my lego batman game. He is going to be one sad boy when I have to return it to blockbuster tonight.
That's true intensity.
It is hard for my little Gills do stay home when her big bro and sis go to school too--but she just plays on the computer and yells stuff like "how do I spell kids?"
i love it. so funny. so cute too. so expressive that one.
You aren't making those molasses ones, are you? Oh, Jenny already has an iphone, and now this?!?
I guarantee that you make the same faces...I am waiting for that post.
He has to be careful he might bite it off! Ouch!!
He ozzes cuteness!
I do miss Char Char. Give him kisses for me. Loved the post.
Keep that kid out of Vegas (or at least far from the strip)! He could charm a professional gambler out of a few bucks, at least.
Hope he didn't miss Spider Man too much for a few days. SM got the official Aunai tour and VIP welcome all weekend.
Man I'm behind on blogs.
He's looking super cute as always. Hope you had a good time with Jenny. Sure you did.
Totally the molasses cookies Katie. But don't worry, I overcooked them this time so they were a little bit harder than normal. Srsly fun with Jespy y'all. Posts to come later. I've got the "monday's" today. ::sigh::
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